Home / Membership


The Gainesville-Northeastern Bar Association provides its members with a variety of resources and opportunities to get involved in the legal community and connect with other local lawyers through informative luncheon meetings, social events, and public service activities.

How to Join

To be eligible for membership in the Gainesville-Northeastern Bar Association, you
must currently be admitted to practice law in the state of Georgia and either practice or
reside in the Hall County or Dawson County area.

To apply for or renew your annual membership, please complete the Membership Form
below and mail in your dues. As a reminder, all Bar Association events and notices will
be sent to the email address provided on the form.

Membership Application Form

Membership Form

Membership Rates

Membership Rates: $225 annually

If you are a lawyer within two years of your admission to the State Bar of Georgia at the
time of your dues payment, you are entitled to a reduced rate of $125

Make checks payable to:

Gainesville-Northeastern Circuit Bar Association

Gainesville Bar Association
P.O. Box 992
Gainesville, GA 30503